Stop imposing ‘foreigner’ as ward rep, IEBC told

Caleb Ngwena a ward rep aspirant in Bamburi ward Mombasa county during one of his campaign trails./FILE

A politician from Bamburi ward in Mombasa county now wants the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to shun away from what he terms as endorsing a non-resident as their incoming representative.

The politician, Caleb Ngwena claims that IEBC is collaborating with top brass politicians from the county government to endorse the said politician.

“We are aware of what is going on. Do not think that we are in a deep sleep,” said Caleb.

Caleb who is eyeing the Bamburi ward seat now wants locals to vote in a resident of the area.

“I want to ask the locals to vote in a local. We shall not at all accept someone from another place to vie in this area” he noted.

The UPIA MCA candidate argues that one of the candidates has never been a resident of the area and neither has a home within.

” Tell Bamburi ward voters where you reside. He is someone’s project and I dare him produce his voting card,” lamented Ngwena.

The UPIA candidate now wants the electoral body to consider bringing back the manual register.

