81 arrested in Kilifi while planning a country take-over

Items found at the scene where 81 people were arrested while planning to take-over the country./COURTESY

81 people were on Wednesday arrested in Kilifi, Kilifi County while in a meeting to allegedly plan on how to take over the country.

According to a police report from Mtwapa Police station, the 81 were arrested following a tip-off from members of public that there was a group of people holding an illegal meeting.

The 81, five women and 76 men, were arrested at Jefwa Bakari’s house within Golden Key area, 4kms from Mtwapa police station.

“Upon interrogation, they said among the agendas they had was planning how to take over the country,” read the police report in part.

“Also recovered were several pangas, knives and other paraphernalia,” it continued to read.

The 81 are to be arraigned in court on Thursday.

