Tana River with lowest COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the Coast region

A Kilifi health worker gets the COVID-19 jab./COURTESY

Tana River County has the lowest number of people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the coast region at 16,109 which is 10.7 percent of the targeted population.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, at least 552,659 out of a targeted 2,487,849 people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in the coast region.

Taita Taveta County has the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population in the region at 37.6 percent followed by Mombasa’s 30.8 percent.

Lamu comes in third with 20.2 percent being fully vaccinated against the disease followed by Kwale at 16.3 percent.

Kilifi County has fully vaccinated 15.1 percent of the targeted population.

Meanwhile, at 52 percent, only Nyeri County has surpassed the half mark in terms of people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Nairobi County is 1.3 percent shy of 50 percent with 1,486,427 of the targeted population being fully vaccinated.

Nationally, 8,412,022 people above the age of 18 years have been fully vaccinated against the virus, while 2,512,333 are partially vaccinated.

329,456 have gone for the booster dose with 15,207 being from the Coast region.

816,462 teens aged between 15 and 17 years have been partially vaccinated against the virus while 270,815 are fully vaccinated.

The total amount of vaccine doses administered in the country as of May 25th 2022 were 18,151,053.

The government has so far received 27,087,910 vaccine doses.

COVID-19 status in the country

A health worker taking a sample for COVID-19 test./FILE

63 more cases were reported on Thursday from a sample size of 2,075 tested.

The new cases bring total confirmed cases in the country to 324,469 from a cumulative of 3,658,042 tests done since the outbreak of the virus in the country in March 2020.

Out of the confirmed cases, 318,395 have recovered from the disease while 5,651 died. Total active cases in the country now stand at 423.

“There are three patients currently admitted in our health facilities, while 378 are under the Home-Based Isolation and Care program. No patient is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), none is on supplemental oxygen and no patient is in the High Dependency Unit (HDU),” said the Ministry of Health.

