Mombasa NGO’s wants IEBC to bar hateful politicians


By Bramwel Cheng’wali

Coast Civil society Organizations wants the Independent Electoral and boundary Commission (IEBC)to take action to against political aspirants orchestrating violence.

This follows series of political violence witnessed in recent political rallies.

Addressing the media in Mombasa led by the Organizations Coordinator Nicholas Songora, they also demanded Director of public prosecution Noordin Hajj to investigate and prosecute those found culpable of criminal actions during campaigns.

“We members of coast civil society Organizational Network are appalled by the conduct exhibited by some politicians during political campaigns”, he said

Songora further urged politicians to adopt issue-based campaigns rather than tribal and inflamantory utterances campaigns.

“Leaders should be individually responsible for their actions and political parties should control their supporters” noted Songora.

The civil groups also want youths to be vigilant and stay away from being used as vessels of violence.

