ODM will not mess party nominations, Mwambire

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire . photo:file

By Bramwel Cheng’wali

Kilifi county ODM chairperson, Teddy Mwambire has reiterated that their party nominations will be free and fair.

In a press release to media from his office, mwambire noted that ODM has learnt from its past mistakes during nominations.

He allayed fears that many aspiring politicians will decamp to other parties fearing biasness and outright rigging during the exercise.

‘I can confidently inform the public that the ODM nominations in Kilifi County will be more organized, transparent and trusted than expected by our immediate opponents.’ Said Mwambire.

His sentiments come amid of speculations that the party will issue direct tickets to some aspirants in the county.

The Mp further asked their supporters to be patient as the they wait for both the party’s list and nomination date.

‘I currently urge all ODM aspirants to enhance their engagements with party members and supporters as we wait for both the final party list and nomination date.’ Urged Mwambire.

However, Mwambire said negotiations for direct nomimnations are open instead of party primaries.

‘I  have given  a node to candidates to voluntary negotiate between themselves  but they should not fear nominations because we’re committed to offer the best.’ He added.

ODM remains the most popular party in Coast region despite the emergence of Pamoja African Alliance party (PAA)associated with Governor Amason Kingi.

