Ganze facing Teachers shortage, warns Mp

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire . photo:file

Ganze Mp Teddy Mwambire wants the government to deploy more teachers in the area following a serious shortage.

Addressing the press in Ganze, Mwambire said the burden of employing teachers has solely been left in the hands of parents.

“Parents are sometimes to cough up an extra cash to cater the needs of a growing number of the school population. This is a burden to them”, he added.

He further cites the challenge of indiscipline in schools saying that its largely contributed by lack of teachers.

 “Even after all our efforts as a constituency to educate teachers, there is still a huge inadequacy,” the lawmaker said.

According to him, there is a need for the government to address this challenge in order to uplift the education standards in Ganze.

“It becomes difficult for 8 teachers to manage a school of 500 pupils,” he pointed out.

