KMPDU faults gov’t over mandatory COVID-19 jabs

KMPDU officials photo: courtesy

The government has been urged to sensitize Kenyans on the need of taking Covid 19 jabs instead of issuing threats.

In a media briefing, Medical Practitioners and Dentist union (KMPDU) secretary General Devji Atellah said that Kenyans need sensitization in order to fast track the uptake of  COVID 19 jabs.

“We want everybody to get vaccinated, and we advocate that vaccination is good, there is a way that need not to affect the rights of Kenyans, the rights of movement and freedoms of association.” Atellah said.

He pointed that lack of cooperation and consultative process by the government with other stakeholders might derail the exercise due to lack of sensitization as Kenyans grapple with misconceptions and myths about the jabs.

From the brief it emerged that COVID 19 perceptions among communities in Kenya is negative due to myths and misconceptions about the vaccine.

“Some of the demands and recommendations that we saw from the ministry of health where they were putting vaccination mandatory to everyone.” Atellah said

KMPDU now wants the government to rope in trade union and civil society, so that members of the public will be more educated to accept the vaccine instead of being forced to it.”He added

He pointed that it is unlikely for the government to vaccinate all Kenyans by the 21st of Dec 2021 following the fact that there is only 23 million Covid 19 jabs out of a population of 45 million Kenyans.

Following the emergence of three cases of new Omicron variant in Kenya, the secretary general urged the government to enhance vaccination centres to allow as many Kenyans as possible to get the service.

Atellah also urged Kenyans to go for vaccination, pointing that it is a cardinal way of fighting the spread of the disease.

On Wednesday., cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe said that COVID positivity rate has exponentially gone up, jumping from six to 10 percent.

