Man charged in Mombasa court for defiling 15 year old Cousin


A 27 year old man was on Wednesday charged in a Mombasa court with defiling his 15 year old female cousin in Changamwe area.

Mr. Tom Opondo is said to have committed the offence in February this year when he went to visit the victim’s house.

According to the charge sheet, Opondo defiled the victim when he found her all alone in the house.

He had gone to visit his aunt and didn’t find her but found his female cousin.

A medical examination report presented to court by Dr. Dan Ochongo from Portreitz Hospital confirmed the 15 year old had been defiled.

Opondo denied the charges read to him in court.

The suspect was released on a ksh. 50,000 bond pending the hearing of his case in  15th March 2022.

