Baraka FM reporter elected in the Parliamentary Journalists Association

Parliamentary reporter Christopher Nyamuta who has been elected as a Liaison Commitee Member in the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association./COURTESY

Baraka FM reporter Christopher Nyamuta has been elected as an official of the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association.

Nyamuta who is a Nairobi-based seasoned parliamentary reporter for Baraka FM was elected unopposed in the liaison committee member slot.

The exercise took place virtually on Monday with positions of Chair, Vice-chair, organizing secretary, secretary, deputy secretary, treasurer and liaison committee member being contested.

KTN reporter Dancun Khaemba was elected unopposed as a newly chair of the association, Citizen reporter Jane Goin was elected unopposed as secretary, deputized by Radio Africa’s reporter, Julius Oluoch who was also elected unopposed.

Treasurer position went to Irene Mwangi, a KUTV reporter who triumphed into the position unopposed.

Nation Media Group’s Samuel Owino and Elizabeth Mutuku of TV 47 contested for the vice-chair position where Ms. Mutuku emerged the winner.

Also KBC reporter Kevin Wachira and Weru TV Boniface Mwongera contested for the organizing secretary slot with Wachira emerging the winner.

The exercise was carried out after the term of office bearers elapsed, whereby Moses Njagi from the Standard has been the association’s chair, deputized by the former Iqra FM reporter Halima Osman and TV47 reporter Elizabeth Mutuku as organizing secretary, among others.

The organization entails 68 members who are parliament reporters in the National Assembly and the senate. Whereby National Assembly’s speaker Justin Muturi is the association’s patron.

The association was formed in a bid to safeguard the welfare of parliamentary journalists within the precincts of the legislative house.

