Ganze family seeks help for daughter to join high school

Mwasere Girls High School. photo:file

A family in Ganze constituency, Kilifi County is seeking for help for their daughter to join form one.

According to her father Mr. Kaingu, the 14 year old is supposed to join Mwasere Girls high school in Taita Taveta County.

He says he barely makes enough as a casual worker to educate his daughter.

Mr. Kaingu said he lost all hopes for his daughter joining high school after seeing the requirements needed saying that the budget is beyond his reach.

“I don’t have any means of getting this money to do shopping for my daughter”, he said.

Emmaculate Alfred scored 363 marks in the KCPE national exam last year.

The student also urged well-wishers to come to her aid saying she wants to study medicine in future.

“My fellow students are joining school yet for me I still don’t know whether I will join. Please I need help to realize my dream of becoming a doctor”, she appealed.

