Muslim households get help with Ramadan

A part of the items in the package being given by Jaorelief./COURTESY

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting most families, Joined As One Relief (Jaorelief) has been helping needy Muslim families with foodstuff to take them through the Ramadan period.

According to Abdirahman Farah, who is in charge of Operations Procurement at Jaorelief, they are targeting to feed at least 250 needy families across the country during this holy month.

The organization was founded in 2019 by Dr. Ijaaba Ahmed and had its first Ramadan project in 2020, which coincided with the first Ramadan celebrated after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country.

“Last year we were able to feed around 210 families, gave 30 packages each to two orphanages (one in Kibera and the other Mama Fatuma children’s home. We try to reach as far as we can,” said Abdirahman.

Abdirahman says the organization usually works with mosques, Imams or people who manage Madrassas who give them lists of people in need of assistance.

“We also have phone numbers, a website and also our social media platforms where anyone can get in contact with us if there are areas where they think we can help, but it also depends on the funds that we get and how we can help,” said Abdirahman.

“A package contains 12kg maize flour, 12kg wheat flour, 5kg rice, 5kg sugar, 3kg date, cooking oil, salt, 5kg beans. This is enough to feed a family of five or six for about a month,” said Abdirahman.

The organization has several ways well-wishers can contribute or help fund the feeding program.

“Mostly we get all our funds from crowds and families and friends, we also started a patron program where we get people who basically are able to give out contribution to the organization, for example, if we are able to get 200, 300 or even 400 people to enroll into that group and give monthly contributions of like sh.1,000 from each one of them, then this will be good funds for us to do our other projects as well,” said Abdirahman.

