Mombasa Court bars Senator Orengo from representing Manduku in court

James Orengo in a court for a past hearing. A Mombasa court has barred him from representing KPA MD Daniel Manduku in his graft case./COURTESY

Mombasa court has issued orders restraining state officers from representing suspects in graft cases.

Justice Eric Ogola on Tuesday barred Siaya Senator James Orengo from representing Kenya Ports Authority Managing Director Daniel Manduku in a graft case against him.

Justice Ogola allowed an application filed by the DPP seeking to bar persons holding state office from appearing for suspects or accused persons of corruption as defense counsels.

Justice Eric Ogola ruled that a state officer’s role as defense counsels in such proceedings would be in conflict with their statutory and Constitutional duty.

Manduku was charged with causing the loss of over sh.2 billion from the state agency.

The case will be mentioned on 11th May 2021.

