Mp donates 100 mattresses to Ribe boys

Rabai Mp William Kamoti (right) issuing mattresses to Ribe boys headteacher. photo: Johnson Chengo.

Ribe boys national school in Rabai constituency has received 100 mattresses from area CDF.

According to area Mp William Kamoti, he is fulfilling a promise he made to the school over exemplary performance in KCSE national examinations in 2019.

Kamoti lauded the school management for instilling discipline and hard work among students in Ribe boys.

On his part, the school head Benson Manoo welcomed the gestures saying students from poor backgrounds will be given first priority during the allocation of the mattresses.

Kamoti also vowed to assist the school in finishing a one storey building under construction.

Ribe Boys High School was among the top five best performing schools in Kilifi County in 2019 KCSE exams with a mean grade of 6.48 mean score.

