ODM fines 16 rebellious MCAs sh.10 million

ODM Party Sec Gen Edwin Sifuna. The party has fined 16 rebellious MCAs sh.10 million for gross misconduct./COURTESY

The Orange Democratic Movement has fined 16 Members of County Assembly drawn from Nairobi, Bungoma and Nyamira counties a total of sh.10 million for misconduct.

The rebellious MCAs, majority from the County Assembly of Nairobi were fined by the Party’s Disciplinary Committee for various cases of gross misconduct.

The fines ranged from sh.100,000 to sh.1,000,000.

Other than the fine, some of the MCAs got a 3-6 months suspension, with others being barred from holding any office in the party.

According to ODM party Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, the report and recommendations by the disciplinary committee will be tabled at the next National Executive Council meeting before the end of the month.

