Kilifi launches BBI signature drive as over 35,000 append their signatures

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi during a press briefing. The County has launched BBI signature collection drive./COURTESY

Kilifi County has launched the Building Bridges Initiative signature collection drive.

During the launch, Governor Amason Kingi announced a team, headed by Benedict Furaha and Mwaboza Mwasambu, that will be coordinating the whole BBI process.

“We want the exercise to be completed by tomorrow, national and county government will work together to the final time,” he said.

The governor said already since Saturday the county has appended 35,000 signatures.

“In the coming two days we want to do a final mega drive because some people have not been reached at the grassroots level, after this meeting we want to go to the ground and ensure signatures are signed,” he said.

During the launch, Kilifi County Commissioner Kutswa Olaka said the county received 366 booklets and each booklet has 50 leaflets with space for 10 signatures.

He said at the sub-county levels  Kilifi North got 72 booklets while Kilifi south got 54 booklets and Chonyi 17 booklets.

The county commissioner said Kaloleni got 44 booklets Rabai 36, Ganze 33, Kauma 7 Malindi 88 and Magarini 45.

“The books are with the chiefs and assistants at the grassroots they are waiting for you there,” he said.

The governor urged leaders not to force anyone to sign the booklet as the process was totally voluntary.

