ODM Msambweni candidate Omar Boga in dilemma as an advocacy group seeks to stop him from vying in the by-election.

ODM Msambweni Candidate Omar Boga. An Advocacy group has written a letter to stop him from contesting the seat on grounds that he is an active KFS Board of Directors Member./COURTESY

Coast Beach Management advocacy group has written to the Independent Election Boundaries Commission seeking ODM candidate Omar Iddi Boga barred from participating in a by-election scheduled for 15th December 2020.

IEBC has gazetted nomination of candidates for the by-election beginning Thursday 15th October 2020.

“Our desire is merit in the most liberal approach provided by the constitution of Kenya 2010 that it has always been our knowledge and belief that Omar Iddi Boga remains active as member for board of directors at Kenya fisheries services in disregard to law of Kenya,” read the letter.

The group now wants IEBC to reject Boga’s nomination papers on claims that he is an active member of Board of Directors at Kenya Fisheries Services.

The letter was received by Kwale County election manager on Wednesday.

Boga is set to present his nomination papers to the IEBC on Thursday after he won in ODM party primaries.

During ODM primaries Boga triumphed against Nicholas Zani by garnering 6,183 votes against Zani’s 530 votes.

In 2017 Boga vied as an independent candidate and managed 10,000 votes against the late Suleiman Dory’s 22,000 votes.

He is set to contest for the seat against independent candidates Feisal Bader, Mariam Sharlet Akinyi and Sheikh Mahmoud of Wiper Democratic Party.

