Msambweni to elect MP in December

A ballot box in the past elections. Lobby group wants Msambweni by-election slated for December postponed./COURTESY

Residents in Msambweni constituency will now elect their member of parliament in December.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati has announced 15th December 2020 as the by-election day.

Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori died at Aga Khan Hospital Mombasa in March.

A relative, Shahame Azizi, said he passed on at around 5 am at the hospital where he had been receiving treatment for cancer.

His body was later moved from the hospital to his rural home in Ghazi, Kwale County, where he was buried.

President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga led political leaders in the country in mourning the death of the Msambweni MP.

Kenyatta described Dori as an astute politician who served his constituents with utmost commitment.

“President Uhuru Kenyatta has sent a message of condolence to the family, friends and the people of Msambweni Constituency following the death of Suleiman Ramadhani Dori. In his message of comfort, the President described the fallen legislator as an astute politician who served his constituents with utmost commitment,” State House said via its official Twitter handle.

Odinga sent his condolences to the people of Msambweni Sub-County and the MP’s family.

“My heartfelt condolences go out to the people of Msambweni and family of Ramadhani Suleiman Dori who passed on this morning.

ODM party has already invited interested candidates to file the position to submit their applications by close of Monday 21st September.

IEBC has also announced by-elections for Kahawa Wendani, Kisumu North, Dabaso, Wundanyi/Mbale and Lake View MCAs.

