Has ODM lost its popularity in Kilifi County?

Raila Odinga. PHOTO: FILE.

The ODM party has not lost its popularity in Kilifi County and the coastal region in general.

Kakuyuni ward MCA Nixon Mramba has dismissed allegations that the ODM party has begun to lose popularity in the county.

Speaking in Malindi, Mramba said those spreading the rumors are being used by some politicians in the country to dismantle ODM.

According to the leader, Kilifi County is still an ODM stronghold, adding that the 2022 general elections will prove him right.

“Raila odinga is still popular here in Coast. In fact he is coming soon and we will tour the region to shake off those allegations”, he stated.

He also castigated legislators who decamped to deputy president William Ruto saying they are playing survival politics.

“They joined Ruto simply because of money. They are fighting for their own stomach”, he claimed.

Mramba also warned  political leaders against using their supporters to insult other leaders on social media.

ODM clinched 27  out of the 35 members of the county assembly seats.

