Kenya donates over sh.200 million to AU’s COVID-19 response fund

Foreign Affairs CAS Ababu Namwamba during the briefing./COURTESY

Kenya has donated more than sh.200 million (2 million USD) to the African Union COVID-19 response fund meant to help African countries in combating the virus.

The country also pledged more than sh.100 million (1 million USD) to support the Africa Centre for Disease Control (CDC).

Speaking durng the daily COVID-19 briefings on Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Chief Administrative Secretary Ababu Namwamba, said that Kenya is not only receiving funds to fight the virus but also donating funds to help other countries in doing the same.

During the briefing, the country also received donations from the Government of Egypt. Items donated included protective gown suits, face shields, protective Goggles, rubber boots and sterile gloves.

“This donation is within the framework of the decision of the Bureau of the African Union to come up with a coordinated continental strategy in combating COVID-19. Following the decision, H.E. Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt pledged to contribute medical equipment worth 4 Million USD to assist fellow African countries combat the pandemic and another 2 Million USD to support the Africa Centre for Disease Control CDC,” said CAS Namwamba.

Meanwhile, the country’s COVID-19 infections rose to 35,460 after 104 more people tested positive from 2,285 samples tested over the last 24 hours.

74 people recovered while 8 others succumbed to the disease.

“We have seen remarkable progress with regard to the recoveries of patients who had contracted the disease. To date cumulatively 21,557 people have recovered from the disease both from our home-based program and those discharged from hospitals,” said Health CAS Dr. Rashid Aman.

Total deaths now stand at 607 with the number of active cases being 13,296.

