Majaoni family seeks help for five-month son suffering from rare heart condition

The Coast Provincial General Hospital signboard./COURTESY

A family in Majaoni area of Mombasa country is seeking help for their five-month-old baby who has been ailing from rare cardiovascular complications.

According to the family, Baby Collins Nyamawi was born on 15th March at the Bamba Sub-county hospital in Kilifi County.

However, all seemed well for the family until he started developing breathing complications at two months.

“We noticed that the baby was constantly crying like someone suffering from intense pain and suffering from breathing difficulties” Masha Kalama, the baby’s father told Baraka FM.  

The family then sought medical attention for the baby at the Coast Provincial Hospital where doctors recommended the baby should be taken for urgent cardiovascular surgery in India or South Africa.

According to a diagnosis conducted by Dr.Bakari Suleiman the chief Pediatric Cardiologist at the Coast Provincial General hospital, the five-month baby is suffering from multiple complications including ‘Patent Foramen Ovale’ which is a hole in the heart that failed to close during birth.

The diagnosis further indicates that the hole extends to the baby’s arteries.

A second diagnosis conducted by Prof Christine Jowi, the Chief Pediatric Cardiologist at the Mater hospital indicates that the complications have affected the baby’s breathing and development.

“Baby Collins Masha was seen at our cardiac unit on 24th August 2020 where he presented with poor weight gain, difficulty in breathing and oxygen saturation” the diagnosis indicates.

The family is now calling on well-wishers to assist them to raise sh 1.6 million to enable the baby to undergo urgent heart surgery in India.

“I have been relying on manual construction jobs to fend for my family and my wife is a housewife, the frequent trips to the Coast Provincial general hospital and the Matter hospital have really drained our accounts and work is hard to come by because of the complications brought about by COVID-19,” Masha says.

