Kilifi North receives sh.113 m for road projects to boost tourism and fishing sectors

A road in Malindi. The high court has suspended a sh.67 million road project funded by World Bank/COURTESY

Kilifi North constituency has received sh.113 million that will be used to upgrade and tarmac roads in the area, which will in turn boost the tourism and fishing sectors in the area.

According to area Member of Parliament Owen Baya, the government allocated sh.29 million for maintenance of the Gede kakuyuni road on heavy murram culvert and drainage at he big depression near Mijomboni, extending cabro works from Gede addressing the notorious flooding at Total petrol station in Timboni.

“I am happy that we have secured sh.113 million funding from Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) which is going to take care of he major roads we have in the county,” said Baya.

Roads to receive uplift include tarmacking the 1.5 kilometre stretch from Watamu to Jacaranda Mayungu to Casuarina.

The legislator said that tarmacking the road to Jacaranda to Mayungu is economically viable as it will boost tourism in the area.

“There are hotels in the area and some repeat guests do not want to come back because the roads are bad. Constant breakdown of vehicles, nobody wants to go there,” he said.

Baya added that fishing will also benefit once the road is done at the Mayungu landing site which is one of the biggest in Kilifi County.

Other areas to benefit include a continuation of the cabro works that started at Kibaoni on St. Thomas road going to Bofa road, to the hospital up to KEMRI, that will cost at least sh.23 million.

The government will also put up the first tarmacked road in Tezo ward to open up Bofa for invstments.

