National COVID-19 recoveries rise to 16,656

A health worker taking a sample for COVID-19 test./FILE

The total number of those who have recovered from COVID-19 in the country rose to 16,656 on Sunday after 686 more patients recovered from the disease.

According to the Ministry of Health, the new recoveries more than doubled the number of new infections recorded in the last 24 hours.

“From the discharge, 60 were from various facilities and 626 from home-based care,” read a statement from MoH.

The country recorded 271 new infections from a drawn from 3,746 samples tested in the last 24 hours.

Total country infections is now at 30,120 with the total number of samples tested now standing at 391,416.

“From the new cases, 268 were Kenyans and three were foreigners. In terms of gender, 170 were male and 101 were female. The youngest case is an 8-months infant, while the oldest is 86 years old,” said MoH.

Nairobi, again, had the highest infections at 126 followed by Busia 14, Kirinyaga 13, Machakos and Narok 12 each and Kiambu 11.

Coast region recorded 13 new cases; Mombasa 6, Taita Taveta 3, Lamu 3 and Kilifi 1.

“Unfortunately, we have lost 2 more patients to COVID-19, bringing our total fatalities to 474,” said MoH.

