University of Nairobi’s Sociologist Dr.Ken Ouko succumbs to COVID-19

University of Nairobi lecturer and Sociologist Dr.Ken Ouko. He succumbed to COVID-19 on Saturday morning while receiving treatment at Aga Khan hospital in Nairobi./COURTESY

University of Nairobi’s Lecturer and Sociologist Dr. Ken Ouko has passed away.

The Sociology and Psychology lecturer died of COVID-19 related complications, on Saturday morning, at Aga Khan hospital in Nairobi where he was receiving treatment.

UoN Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen Kiama said Ouko’s death is a huge loss to the university.

Dr. Ouko’s death now brings to four the total number of UoN staffers who have succumbed to COVID-19.

On July 16th, UoN Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen Kiama postponed September re-opening indefinitely after three employees succumbed to the deadly disease.

The death of the lecturer comes just a day after Kenya’s COVID-19 infections surpassed 20,000 after 723 people tested positive for the disease bringing the total number of cases to 20,636.

