M-PESA foundation donates PPEs to Kilifi, Kwale counties

Health workers at the Mbgathi District hospital wearing PPEs.

Health workers in Kilifi and Kwale counties have received personal protective equipment worth sh. 4.5 million from the M-PESA Foundation.

In Kilifi County, medics got sh. 3 million worth of PPEs which included 1,000 N95 masks, 3,000 gowns and 500 googles.

Kilifi County will receive PPEs worth KES 1.5 million, including 2,000 gowns, 1,000 N95 masks and 500 goggles, will be distributed in Kwale County.

M-PESA Foundation Executive Director Les Baillie commended health workers for risking their lives to care for Kenyans infected by COVID-19.

“We commend the work that health care workers are doing to fight the COVID-19 disease. Being in the frontline, they are at risk of contracting the disease and that is why as M-PESA Foundation, we partnered with KMPDU to ensure that they are protected sufficiently as they do their work,” He said.

Safaricom Foundation, has also donated PPEs to health workers in Meru, Kajiado, Baringo, Uasin Gishu, Narok, Nakuru and Mombasa counties.

