Blow to ailing liquor industry after president Uhuru Kenyatta bans alcohol sale

President Uhuru Kenyatta during a past address PHOTO:File

The ailing liquor industry has been dealt a blow after President Uhuru Kenyatta suspended the sale of alcohol for more than three months since the sale of alcohol in restaurants was allowed.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, who lifted the lockdown measures last month, addressed the nation on Monday afternoon, amid speculations that he could revert to containment measures in an effort to curb further virus spread.

Speaking on Monday, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed that the 9.00 pm to 4.00 am curfew would continue for another 30 days.

“There shall be no sale of alcoholic beverages in eateries effective midnight today” president Uhuru Kenyatta added.

Eateries operating as bars and restaurants had received a sigh of relief after the ministry allowed the sale of alcohol in restaurants.

President Uhuru Kenyatta further directed that restaurants should be closed by 7.00 pm.

The numbers have continued to rise sharply since then with the latest samples tested registering 960 positive cases recorded in 24 hours alone on Sunday.

Mombasa, which initially was leading in the number of positive cases, has however witnessed a drastic reduction with the latest being Sunday’s 48 cases. 

Nairobi continues to dominate with a consistent rise in the number of positive cases, the highest being Sunday where the county registered  510 cases out of the countrywide total.

These statistics have put the government in a dilemma, resulting in anticipation over president Kenyatta’s address today, and whether he will return the country to containment or uphold the status quo.

