ODM leader Raila Odinga reveals his COVID-19 results

ODM leader Raila Odinga taking his COVID-19 test PHOTO COURTESY

Orange Democratic Party leader Raila Odinga on Monday revealed his Coronavirus results to the public and urged Kenyans to go for COVID-19 test.

“Just received my COVID-19 test results which came back negative. I commend the Kenya Medical Research Institute and Prof. Matilu Mwau of the Testing Centre, for the professionalism and efficiency displayed “said Odinga.

He appealed to Kenyans to take COVID-19 tests, sanitize and observe social distancing as a measure to avert the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic in the Country.

On Sunday Odinga visited Kemri in Mbagathi Nairobi County where he took a COVID-19 test.

Odinga requested Kenyans to go for the Coronavirus test and get a certificate which he said was an important document as the country continues battling with the pandemic.

The National COVID-19 recoveries hit 1,253 on Sunday.

The overall burden in the country now stands at 3,594 out of 115,336 samples tested since the first Coronavirus was recorded in the Country in March 2020.

