Fresh plot in Jubilee wrangles as Duale accuses Kanini Kega of extortion

Ex-National Assembly Majority leader Aden Duale./COURTESY

A Showdown is looming in the National Assembly after majority leader Aden Duale accused Kieni member of parliament  Kanini Kega of masterminding a plot to oust him.

In a strong-worded statement, Duale slammed Kega for clandestinely collecting signatures from members of parliament in a bid to remove him from his powerful parliamentary seat.

He accused Kega of being an extortionist in his bid by rallying MPs to append signatures to Fastrack the impeachment process amid approval by Jubilee Party and its leader President Uhuru Kenyatta that Duale’s position as a majority leader stands.

“He is notoriously known for being the king of extortion who thrives in threats and blackmail. He has perfected the art of extortion so well that all he does is to purport to collect signatures.”Duale  said 

He said that Kanini’s push is contrary to the National Assembly Standing Orders.

“The National Assembly Standing Order 19 is clear on the process for removal of a Majority Leader which is by a majority of votes of all Members of the Majority Party in a Parliamentary Group chaired by the Party Leader and the decision thereafter is communicated by the Majority Whip to the speaker,”Duale said 

He noted that Kega was anticipating getting the majority leader slot in the shake-up of parliamentary leadership which was headed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto whereby   Chief whip Benjamin Washiali replaced by Navakholo mp Emmanuel Wangwe.

Also, Jubilee nominated mp Sicily Mbarire was replaced by Igembe North legislator Maoka Maore as deputy chief whip.

The purge has been extended to house committees affecting Moses Kuria in the transport committee and Kimani Ichungwa in the budget committee.

The fate of the duo and other legislators in Jubilee wing hangs in the balance after Wangwe wrote to them to justify as to why they ought to be active members/Chairs of the said committees.

