Kilifi records new COVID-19 case in man who sneaked from Mombasa

The Mariakani subcounty hospital where the patient is currently in isolation PHOTO COURTESY

A man who sneaked from Mombasa to Kilifi county has tested positive for COVID-19.

This is according to the Kilifi governor Amason Kingi who said that the victim is currently in isolation at the Mariakani sub-county hospital after he was traced to his rural Kibaokiche village in Kaloleni sub-county.

“Last week our Kaloleni Sub County COVID -19 surveillance team received a call from a concerned citizen that a man who works in Mombasa County had sneaked into Kibaokiche, Kaloleni sub-county in Kilifi County, despite the cessation of movements between the two counties,” Kingi said on Saturday.

Kingi added that tracing the man was not easy as he switched off his phone immediately he got to Kilifi county.

His immediate family members have been put on 14-day isolation.

This comes less than two weeks after governor Kingi announced that Kilifi was COVID-19 free after all the patients who had been receiving treatment at the Rabai isolation center recovered.

READ ALSO:Kilifi County now COVID-19 free as positive patients fully recover

“We have already alerted the County Government of Mombasa to also commence immediate contact tracing of those people who may have come into contact with this gentleman while he was in Mombasa,” Kingi added.

Though it is not clear how the patient sneaked to Kilifi, authorities have said that people had turned to illegal routes to try sneak into Kilifi and Kwale counties.

On Thursday, the Bamburi area chief Jeremiah Machache warned that the government was deliberating on closing down the Kidongo fish landing site after it became a popular route for individual seeking to sneak illegally from Mombasa to Kilifi and vice versa

READ ALSO:Two drown while trying to cross illegally to Kilifi

Two men have lost their lives after the canoes they were using to try cross to Kilifi capsized.

On Saturday, the president extended the curfew and the ban on movement in and out of five counties which include Kilifi, Mombasa, and Kwale for another 21 days.

