Senate committee election threatens ODM unity

Siaya senator James Orengo who has protested Narok Senators election to the Public Accounts committee PHOTO COURTESY

A storm is brewing in parliament over the leadership of the senate’s county public accounts and investment committee after minority leader James Orengo protested Narok senator Ledama Ole Kina’s election as the chair of the committee.

Trouble started when Ole Kina floored Kisii senator Prof Sam Ongeri as the chair of the committee in an election after he garnered five votes while prof Ongeri garnered four votes.

The outcome was rejected by Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) senate leadership led by Orengo.

 Orengo wrote a protesting letter to the senate speaker Ken Lusaka opposing the election.

“I express and register dissatisfaction with the conduct and the outcome of the election, the leadership of the County Public Accounts and Investigations Committee which were purportedly done today.”Orengo said

“We intend to withdraw our membership from the said committee until an appropriate resolution can be made,” He added.

Election is meant to replace Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang whose term has ended.

The current move threatens unity in the party as Ole Kina too protested the move by his party, saying some quarters were keen on not having him serve as the chair.

“I was democratically elected for the position but there are people who do not want me to serve it,” Ole Kina said 

Senator Wamatangi of Jubilee was voted in overwhelmingly after his challenger, Murang’a’s Irungu Kan’gata failed to get a proposer for the exercise.

“I am honoured to have been elected as vice-chairperson of County Public Accounts and Investment Committee (CPAIC). We (with Ole Kina) will discharge our duties fearlessly,” said Wamatangi

CPAIC is one of the powerful committees in the senate which is always chaired by Minority wing in parliament.

It has a responsibility of overseeing audited county government reports in the 47 counties.

