Tanzania’s COVID-19 cases hit 480 after 196 more test positive

Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli who has accused laboratory heads of working with cartels to inflate the national COVID-19 figure ./PHOTO COURTESY

The number of Tanzania’s COVID-19 infections shot to 480, surpassing Kenya’s, after 196 people tested positive for the disease between 23rd and 28th April.

According to Tanzania Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, the country reported 119 new recoveries during this period, bringing the total number of COVID-19 recoveries in the country to 167.

“Out of the 196 new infections, 174 are from the mainland while 22 from Zanzibar. From the new recoveries, 36 are from Zanzibar and 83 from mainland,” said PM Majaliwa.

“I am also saddened to say that we have additional six deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 deaths to 16,” he added.

Tanzania now has 297 active COVID-19 cases.

Out of the remaining patients, 14 are in critical condition.

At 480 infections, Tanzania has the highest number of cases in the East African Community block, followed by Kenya’s 374 and Rwanda’s 212 cases.

