Kilifi Women rep Getrude Mbeyu on self quaratine over coronavirus

Kilifi Woman representative Getrude Mbeyu.

Kilifi Women representative Getrude Mbeyu is in self quarantine for 14 days after coming into contact with Kilifi county Deputy Governor Gideon Saburi who is affected with the virus.

Speaking to baraka fm on phone, Mbeyu said she took the drastic action inorder to ensure her safety and that of her constituents.

” I am on day three of self quarantine,My family and i are in our house in Nairobi. Iam looking forward to finish the 14 days so that i can continue with my life”, she said.

She also revealed that Rabai Mp William Kamoti and ministry of labour CAS Gideon Mung’aro are also under quarantine after coming into contact with Saburi.

The trio had attended a burial ceremony in Kilifi county.

However, she absolved Saburi from blame saying it was not his wish to risk the lives of Kenyans by not placing himself on self quarantine after jetting back to the country from Germany.

She instead blamed the County government of Kilifi for letting the Deputy Governor out of the country despite the coronavirus outbreak in Europe.

“They let him travel knowing well what was happening.Why should they blame him now?, They should have insisted that he stays in the country but they did not”, she added.

Ganze Mp Teddy Mwambire said he is in self quarantine after meeting people who came into contact with the Kilifi DG.

