Kwale County enhances fight against Coronavirus

Kwale Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani speaking during a past event./Brivian Simiyu

Kwale County residents have been urged to support public health officers undertaking sensitization campaigns on the coronavirus pandemic.

The County’s Public Health Department has also stepped up cleanliness and hygiene in public spaces like markets, shopping centres and matatu stages as necessary precautions against the deadly disease.

Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani Wednesday asked residents to raise hygiene standards and follow health guidelines and measures aimed at containing the infectious disease.

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Achani said the County had launched coronavirus sensitization and public awareness campaigns on improved hygiene at the grassroots to enhance preparedness in the region.

“Taking cleanliness and public hygiene to the next level is actually the first line of defense against infections,” Achani said.

She said county health staff is going round establishing hand washing points with soap and sanitizers at strategic places in towns to safeguard public health amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“In light of the global coronavirus outbreak, we have no choice but to follow health instructions aimed at slowing down infections,” she said.

So far, the country has confirmed seven cases of infection as the world contends with the fast spread of the Covid-19.

Achani said the county government had set aside isolation wards in health facilities spread in Matuga, Msambweni, Kinango, and Lunga Lunga sub-counties for the management of any case that may be reported.

“As of now, we have isolation wards with eight beds in Lunga-Lunga, six beds in Matuga, four beds in Mbsambweni and two beds in Kinango” she said, adding that residents can contact the county health department through mobile number 0768078070 for help.

Symptoms on the novel coronavirus include coughing, sneezing, high fever, breathing difficulties and general body pains.

