25 motorists arrested in Mombasa

Matatus parked at a street in Majengo,Mombasa.the government has ruled out of compensating PSV operators in Kwale,Mombasa and Kilifi PHOTO COURTESY

25 motorists have been arrested in a crackdown in Mombasa,

Speaking during a random crackdown carried by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) on Tuesday along Mombasa Malindi road, Coast regional police boss Rashid Yakub said that the culprits will be charged.

According to the police boss, some drivers with unroadworthy vehicles hand over Sh 50 to traffic officers in an attempt to block their arrest.

“We will charge both the driver and the police bribed; police will not allow few individuals to put lives of Kenyans at risk because of bribery “said Yakub.

The operation targeted public vehicles, personal cars and the suspects arrested were taken to court immediately.

Yakub revealed that there are no roadblocks on all roads in the Coast region unless there is a crime scene but they carry out crackdowns 24 hours to arrest those going against traffic rules.

