Lamu records lowest teenage pregnancy cases nationally

A pregnant schoolgirl. PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu County had the lowest number of teenage pregnancies, not only in the coast region but countrywide in 2019; this is according to data released by National Council for Population and Development (NCPD).

The data shows that 1,307 girls aged between 10-19 years gave birth in Lamu compared to the national 400,401 who gave birth countrywide last year.

In the Coast region, Kwale County had the highest number of teen pregnancies reported last year with 447 of pregnant young girls aged between 10-14 years and 10,804 aged between 15-19 years, making it a total of 11,251 teen pregnancies last year.

Kilifi came in second with a total of 9,473 teen pregnancies (136 aged between 10-14 and 9,337 aged 15-19).

Tana River County had the third highest number of teen pregnancies in the region with 5,467 pregnancies having been reported (143 between the age of 10-14 and 5,324 between 15-19 years of age).

While Mombasa came in fourth in the total number of teen pregnancies at 4,487, the County had the second largest number of 10-14 year olds reported pregnancies in the region at 211.

Taita Taveta County follows Mombasa with 3,222 reported teen pregnancies in the region. Out of this number 92 were between the ages of 10-14 while 3,130 were 15-19 year olds.

However, NCPD says these numbers might change as the data released only include pregnancies reported at health facilities.

NCPD was releasing this data on Wednesday during a launch for a National Campaign to end teenage pregnancy.

