DCI arrest two human traffickers in Nairobi

Police crime scene band./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has arrested two foreigners at Ushirika Estate within Eastleigh in Nairobi, over trafficking.

The two, Thabit Hanni Yaseen Radman and Faren Yassin Radman, were arrested on Sunday for allegedly recruiting young Kenyans for unspecified jobs in the Middle East.

“Following a tip off from the members of the public that there were several people locked in a single room at Ushirika Estate within Eastleigh, detectives based at Pangani proceeded to the said location where in one room they found two foreign nationals namely Thabit Hanni Yaseen Radman and Faren Yassin Radman,” said the DCI.

Upon searching an adjacent room believed to have been rented by the two foreigners, the DCI found 11 Kenyans aged between 23- 30 years.

The two Human Trafficking Suspects are in lawful custody as further investigations ensue.

Data released by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics on Friday shows that according to the 2019 Census, the conventional population aged 18-34 years was 13,621,492 out of which only 8,436,418 were working.

