Two burnt to death in foiled motorbike theft

A police officer at the Likoni police station. /file

Two suspected motorbike thieves were on Monday burnt to death in Likoni’s Approved area after their attempts to steal a motorbike from a taxi operator were thwarted by the operator’s colleagues and members of the public.

The two were in a gang of three who boarded the bike at the Likoni ferry posing as passengers before they turned against the rider and attempted to rob him of his bike, Likoni area police chief, Jane Munyoki, said.

“The operator had suspected the three so he called his colleagues and asked them to follow him from a distance without the suspects knowing,” Munyoki told Baraka FM on phone.

She said the suspects attacked the rider as he stopped at their designated destination, prompting the victim to scream for help which attracted a prompt response from his colleagues.

One suspect escaped the lynch-mob during the 4 am incident that left his accomplices beaten and burnt beyond recognition.

Police records show that motorbike theft has been on the rise in sections of Mombasa especially Kisauni, Shanzu, and Likoni, and has seen several motorbike taxi operators attacked and killed, and their bikes stolen.

