Youth leaders urge Kenyans to read BBI report

President Uhuru Kenyatta andRaila Odinga meet at Harambee House on 9th March 2018 paving way for the Building Bridges Initiative.Youth leaders have urged Kenyans to read and understand the BBI report PHOTO: FILE

A group of young leaders have urged Kenyans as a whole to  desist from debating on the mode of implementation of the Building Bridges Initiative  but instead read the document.

 Speaking during a press briefing in Nairobi on the launch of BBI debate ,the officials of the group which has been dubbed  Africa Youth trust led by program officer Ruth Ambogo said that it is improper for Kenyans to engage in a debate on how the ultimate decision on the BBI  should be tackled without understanding the contents of the document.

 They said that after reading the document then Kenyans will elucidate on how the whole decision will be made by pointing  which issues which will be fine tuned by parliament and which ones can handled by a referendum.

 The group urged the youths to dwell on matters affecting them in the report especially in the  spheres of unemployment ,tax,investment and talent so that they can give their input in the report thus benefit from the document  following the fact that youths are the largest population in the country with high unemployment rates.

 The group pointed that there is need for parties to be institutionalized in bid to change the wave of politics in the country and permit youths to get positions in governance.

 Some of the components in the BBI report include,Powerful president directly elected by the people with deputy president,President appointing the prime minister who will oversee the functions of the government,establishment of official opposition office ,overhaul of the IEBC before 2022 whose commissioners will be vetted,26th of December dropped and renamed national cultural day.

 Other BBI recommendations include the retention of 47 counties and 290 constituencies.

 The input of the group follows a fierce debate in the aftermath of the BBI report launch which has led to divisions on how it should be tackled.

 The trust is gearing towards provision of  platform to oversee the debate of the BBI for Kenyans to make their decisions on the report.

