Mombasa Uber driver released on sh 50,000 cashbail

Mombasa Uber Driver Fredrick Mungai Njenga when he appeared at the Shanzu law courts last week PHOTO COURTESY

A Mombasa Uber driver who caused outrage on social media last week was on Tuesday charged in court for allegedly committing an indecent act with a child.

Fredrick Mungai Njenga denied the charges of unlawfully causing his genitals to be sucked by a 13 year old boy.

The court heard that Njenga committed the offence on 16th July at Bombolulu area in Nyali within Mombasa County.

Last week, Njenga was arraigned at the Shanzu law courts court however he was released on cashbail after Mombasa  senior resident magistrate Yusuf Shikanda requested the prosecution to amend the charge sheet.

Shanzu senior resident magistrate Patrick Odhiambo ordered the accused person to be released on a cash bail of Sh.50, 000.

The case is  set to be heard on 13th August.

