Residents accuse IEBC of delaying Ganda ward by-election


Kilifi,KENYA: A section of Ganda residents in Malindi constituency in Kilifi County have accused the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) of delaying Ganda ward by -election.

This is after the High Court nullified the 2017 election of Mr Abdulrahman Omar and ordered IEBC to conduct a fresh election in accordance with the law.

Led by Joseph Kiponda alias Josepe, the locals have expressed their dilemma saying IEBC should explain to residents what is happening.

Addressing journalists in Malindi, Kiponda said more than 45 days have passed since the Ganda ward MCA seat was declared vacant by the speaker of the County Assembly of Kilifi.

“I want to tell the IEBC that they should stop playing with minds of Ganda ward residents, we have been waiting for them to conduct the by-election but It seems there is nothing happening,” lamented Kiponda.

According to him, the void and vacuum in Ganda ward is being felt by every single resident saying that it has been a challenge to attend any function since questions will arise over the date of the by-election.


Meanwhile Philip Charo a resident from Ganda called upon the IEBC to hasten the exercise adding that residents are suffering in terms of getting services.

“We currently do not get the services from MCA , most of us are facing it rough, some  are now knocking from one door to another especially of  aspirants who have declared interest in the seat which is not a good image,” said Charo.

However the IEBC election co-ordinator in Malindi constituency Sudi Masha, refuted the claims saying the commission is ready for the by –election, however materials such as ballot papers and boxes are not available and tendering of the materials will take long.

“We are facing up some challenges to conduct the by-election in Ganda, however I promise the locals that early August we could have the by-election, “said Masha

