20 camels killed in suspected avenge attack in Voi

A herd of camels belonging to Somali herders in Taita Taveta county PHOTO COURTESY

A herder in Sagalla area of Voi is counting losses after 20 of his camels were slaughtered to death in a suspected avenge attack by angry farmers  following the death of their colleague who is suspected to have been killed by camel herders in Voi.

Aden Mohamed who spoke to Baraka FM said he was informed by his colleagues that some of his camels were missing but he later found out that the camels had been slaughtered to death.

“ So far I cannot trace 30 of my camels and I fear that they might have been killed too” Mr Aden said.

The incident happened on Thursday, hours before a farmer who was stabbed to death by suspected camel herders was laid to rest.

According to an eye witness Patrick Wandati, the deceased farmer who has been identified as Alex Mulumba was trying to chase away the herders from his farm when they attacked him leaving him with fatal injuries.

Why Taita Taveta County is kicking out Camels

“ We are living in fear  because they have killed one of us. They forcefully graze camels on farms without caring the effort that we put to plough our lands and plant our crops” Wandati said.

Last year, Taita Taveta governor Granton Samboja said that camels had increased in the county.

Speaking during the Mashujaa day celebrations event Samboja warned that the county would take action against individuals who have been entering into selfish agreements with camel herders.

The deceased  farmer has left behind a wife and two children.

