Actor arrested over Moi girls rape incident

Moi girls school Nairobi PHOTO COURTESY

A  set book actor has been arrested by Director of Criminal Investigation over the Moi girl’s student rape incident.

The 26 year old suspect was arrested by Kilimani based detectives after the form two victim positively identified him.

“Detectives handling the case are carrying out further enquiries including a DNA analysis to scientifically link the suspect to the offence,” read in part a tweet by the DCI.

Initial investigations by the DCI revealed that the suspect was among a team of actors that had previously visited the school to perform.

The 16 year old form two student was raped on 2nd June 2018 which saw the school close down for a week to pave way for investigations with all male teachers being require to take mandatory DNA test that cleared them all.

The incident happened just a few months after fire  at Kabarnet dormitory in the same school claimed lives of 11 students.

