Legislators back president Kenyatta’s fight against corruption

MPs during a parliamentary session./COURTESY
Legislators have given mixed reactions on president Uhuru Kenyatta’s state of the nation speech which touched on corruption.
Speaking at parliament buildings, Ganze member of parliament Teddy Mwambire said that president ought to have sacked corrupt officials following the fact that the menace has adversely affected the country especially the downtrodden.
Sirisia member of parliament John Walukhe said that he concurs with the president insisting that the law must be followed diligently fight in the fight against corruption.
” Law must be followed in the fight against corruption, that shows that the president respects the law and the constitution in allowing relevant agencies to do their duties diligently, “Walukhe said
Walukhe’s sentiments were echoed by Voi mp Jones Mlolwa who pointed out that the fight against corruption must follow legislative principles with concrete evidence.
In his speech president Kenyata indicated that all arms of government including the executive and other levels of government, legislature, judiciary, and other relevant agencies must join hands and fight corruption by following the rule of law.
Cotu secretary general Francis Atwoli concurred with the president in his bid to fight corruption indicating that in fighting corruption the rule of law must be followed.
Atwoli also backed the president and opposition chief Raila Odinga in building bridges initiative bid whereby Sh 10 billion is anticipated to be used in ironing out the past social injustices.

