Dairy Board suspends proposed regulations following outcry

Milk in a shelve at one of the supermarkets. PHOTO: COURTESY.

The Kenya Dairy Board has suspended proposed regulations that were seeking to compel farmers to sell their milk to registered milk processor thereby eliminating middlemen selling milk in raw form.

This is following a public outcry with some politicians claiming the rules would have left the monopoly of milk supply to Brookside dairies.

The Dairy Industry Licensing Regulations 2019, which are  12 set of rules published by KDB, if passed would have banned vendors from offering for sale or expose for consumption, any milk in raw form.

Before the suspension, a section of members of parliament had vowed to block the passing of the rules.

Led by  Githunguri member of parliament Gabriel Kago,  the legislators said that they and the Agriculture committee will oppose any legislation touching on the matter saying that if presented in parliament it ultimately will subject Kenyans to poverty because many  Kenyans are not capable of undertaking milk processing services.

Kago also said that it is incorrect for the government to allow importation of egg and milk products from neighboring Uganda and yet Kenya produces enough products.

“We are producing more than we consume.K enya should export this commodity instead,” Kago said


