Residents move to block eviction on disputed land

The premises of the Kwale international Sugar Company.Residents have vowed to block eviction from a disputed piece of land in Kanana area of Lunga Lunga sub-county PHOTO FILE

The residents of Kanana area in Lungalunga sub-county have opposed plans by the government to displace them to pave way for sugarcane farming by Kwale International Sugar Company Limited (KISCOL).

The 100 families affected are set to be relocated to Kidimu area after the government claimed to own the over 5,000 acres of land.

Led by Fredrick Magutu, the residents questioned the compensation process arguing that the government did not engage them fully.

“We have stayed here for long but how comes the government wants to move us to another place yet we don’t know the amount they will compensate since we have seen people conducting an evaluation on our assets,” said Magutu.

Kwale residents threaten to use witchcraft to fight eviction by KISCOL

Further, they claimed to have received threats and intimidations from government failure to vacate the lands they are currently occupying.

They vowed not to abandon the piece of land which they have lived for many years after they inherited from their ancestors.

“Let them come with caterpillars and firearms, we are not afraid because we are ready to die for our ancestral land,” said Makonde another angry resident.

However, Lungalunga deputy county commissioner Josphat Biwott affirmed that the land belonged to the government saying that the process of relocation will continue despite constant opposition from the residents.

“According to a lease issued to KISCOL, the government granted the company with 15,000 acres of land but they are currently occupying only 8,000 acres of land. The remaining 7,000 acres of land which involves Kanana also belongs to KISCOL,” added Biwott.

