Maraga in trouble over attending public rallies


A section of senators have blasted the chief justice David Maraga for attending public rallies a scenario which they term as repugnant.

Speaking at parliament buildings during the Senate’s afternoon  session on Thursday, Siaya  Senator James Orengo and Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula said that such development formulates a leeway for the judiciary to be intimidated and arm-twisted by other arms of government which ultimately lead to the dishonor of the institution.

Orengo pointed that Maraga ‘s visit to Kisii where president Uhuru Kenyatta, deputy president Willliam Ruto, and opposition chief Raila Odinga attended the launch of  health projects  on Wednesday , violates the ethics of the judiciary  whose core mandate is to solve legal issues affecting the country.

“Ever in my political history have seen chief Justice appearing in a public rally. That we must say .” Orengo said

“That should never happen in a democratic country which has three arms which are co-equal on  matters justice .T he chief Justice is supreme to matters legislative .’ Orengo added

The duo said that such tendencies might make the judiciary feeble thus opening avenues of manipulation, not only state arms of government but state agencies.

“He is the chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya and this must be told to him over and over . I want to urge my senior counsel of this house Mr  speaker, let us have a courtesy call with the Chief Justice and this dishonor must stop.”Wetangula said

They pointed out that there is need for all arms of government, including executive, judiciary and legislature to uphold independence thus realize the tenet of supremacy within their confines.

Nairobi senator Johnstone Sakaja too  said that the same should apply to speakers in bicameral parliament because legislature too ought to be independent

