Okiya Omtatah challenges President Kenyatta state appointments in court

Activist Okiya Omtatah./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Activist Okiya Omtatah has moved to court to challenge President Uhuru Kenyatta’s state appointments.

Omtatah now wants the state appointments awarded last week to be declared invalid, null and void.

Omtatah on Monday morning filed a petition objecting the method used to appoint individuals in the parastatal jobs, arguing it was not done in a fair, open, competitive, merit-based and an inclusive process.

“On 4th and 8th February 2019, the respondents defied the said Orders when they handpicked and appointed individuals to be chairpersons and members of boards of State corporations and agencies,” argues Omtatah.

In the petition, Omtatah named, State Corporations Advisory Committee, the Attorney General, the National Executive and Public Service Commission to be respondents.

A week ago, the employment court ordered that all state appointment should be done on merit.

Last week, President Kenyatta awarded, Sports legend Paul Tergat as chairperson Kenya Academy of Sports Council.

Former Mwingi Central MP Joe Mutambu, a critic of Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, will chair the Water Resource Authority.

ODM treasurer Olga Karani has been appointed the chairperson of the Council of Kenya Cultural Centre.

Former Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu was appointed the chairperson of the Water Services Resource Board for the next three years.

All the appointments in a Gazette notice are said to be effected between February 7 and 8.

