Tana River County youth ignoring polytechnics, say they are for failures

Students at one of the vocational centres in the country./COURTESY

Tana River, KENYA: Tana River County government has set aside over seventy million shillings in efforts to enhance vocational training centers (VTC) in the county.

Speaking during exhibitions function held at Hola stadium County Executive (CEC) for Education Abas Kuno said the funds would be used for infrastructure and procurement of facilities that would raise the capacity of education in the institutions.

The department got funds from the national government to boost the level of Vocational training in the six centers in the county.

According to Kuno the move would help in reducing a huge number of jobless youths through gaining skills that would empower them into self-employment.

“There is no need for our youths to seek skills from outside while we have our own institutions. County government with national government have put resources funds to enhance VTC like building classrooms, computer labs, procurement of facilities,” said the CEC.

However, youth in the county are not enrolling in polytechnics saying that vocational centres are meant for failures.

County woman representative Rehema Hassan said vocational training was the only way to self-employment instead of wasting time with bad groups which lead to drug abuse among youths.

“Going to polytechnic to get skills is not bad, you can start your own business for example if you get masonry skills you can build houses to get yourself some money. So I am urging the youth not to ignore polytechnic training,” said Rehema.

