CJ Maraga admits 47 magistrates to the bench to help clear backlog

The newly sworn in 47 resident magistrate during the ceremony at the Supreme court./COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Chief Justice David Maraga on Monday swore in 47 new resident magistrates.

Speaking during the ceremony at the Supreme Court, CJ Maraga said that the newly sworn in magistrates will help in clearing the backlog in the system.

“I urge you to take charge of your courtrooms, ensure that we effectively manage cases and matters before us, endless adjournment of cases on frivolous grounds is the very reason that we have case backlog in our system,” said the CJ.

The CJ said also said that judges and magistrates will now have to subscribe to the new Judicial Code of Conduct and Ethics once it is approved by Parliament.

Apart from the Code demanding independence, impartiality, professionalism and objectivity in the discharge of duties by all judicial officers it also prohibits private communication or correspondence between magistrates and litigants and involvement in business or activities that may result in a conflict of interest

“The constitution promises the people of Kenya among other things that you as a magistrate will do justice to all persons irrespective of status,” said Maraga.

