79  Kwale students admitted to TTC amidst grade row


Kwale, KENYA:79 students from Kwale County who scored a D+ grade have gotten admission to study teaching.

This is according the Kwale education Chief officer Bridget Wambua.

Wambua who was speaking to journalists on Friday said the letters of those who had qualified were in her office.

“ We submitted the names the names of those who were interested and we got feedback with 79 names. They are supposed to join the college as from January” Bridget said.

This comes amidst a row between the Ministry of Education and the Kenya National Union of teachers over the grade for admission.

In September last year, the education CS Amina Mohamed lowered the grades for students from marginalized counties and backdated it to candidates who sat the KCSE from 2006.

The counties are Turkana, Samburu, Wajir, Marsabit, Isiolo, Mandera, Garissa, Lamu, Baringo, Narok, Kajiado, Kwale, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Tana River and West Pokot.

However, the employment and Labour Relations court Judge Byram Ongaya stopped the CS in an order issued in December instead directing the CS to convene a meeting to harmonize the grades for all the teaching entry grades.

This was following a petition filed by the teachers union KUPPET.

However, on Thursday, the ministry requested for 14 days arguing that the CS has been on leave.

