President Kenyatta mourns amb. Francis Muthaura’s mother

Kenya Revenue Authority Chairman Amb. Francis Muthaura who lost his mother last week PHOTO COURTESY

President Uhuru Kenyatta has sent a message of condolence and encouragement to Ambassador Francis Muthaura and family following the death of his mother, Mama Salome Kinya Muthaura.

Mama Salome Kinya Muthaura died on 23rd of this month at her home after an illness.

President Kenyatta said Mama Salome Muthaura will be fondly remembered as an outstanding, great and an amazing person whose legacy will endure for many generations to come.

“A devoted Christian, Mama Salome Kinya will be remembered for the roles she played in Church and in the community. She was a person of enormous influence. Indeed, her wise counsel and guidance; and her leadership will be missed by many,” said the President.

Singling out her achievements in raising a great family, the Head of State said the late Mama Salome was committed to ensuring her children acquired the best in education, as she knew it was key to success and progress in life.

“Mama Salome valued education and in the fullness of time, she brought up a distinguished family. She instinctively knew and appreciated that education was the key to a better life and constantly motivated and inspired her children to pursue their education, even when circumstances were challenging,” President Kenyatta eulogised.

The President pointed out that Mama Salome impacted positively on the lives of many Kenyans, noting that her generosity knew no boundaries.

“No one who visited her home came out hungry.

Her community can bear witness to this fact as at one time they were treated to a one week party where she prepared food for them just to clear her granaries for fresh harvest,” the Head of State said.

The President called on the family to continue with the legacy of Mama Salome even as he prayed to God to give the bereaved the strength and grace to bear the loss.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult moment of sorrow and grief.

It is our humble prayer that the Almighty God will give you the strength and fortitude to bear the loss,” the President said in his message to Ambassador Muthaura who is the Chairman of Kenya Revenue Authority.

